Saturday, September 15, 2007

Tie game

After just watching the tie game between India and Pakistan, i couldn help but remember a similar situation i was in a couple of months ago. The gamewas snooker and the venuw was above Aishwarya Bakery. It was a doubles game and although i had a team mate who contributed only in negatives and was up against two others who were at the top of the game, i managed to draw the game at the last ball. It was at this point of time that i knew i was bound to win (as it was my shot next). Unfortunately, my opponent decided to quit while he was winning and left. I guess i was so shocked at such a lack of sportsmanship that i had no clue how to react. As i saw him leave the parlour, i couldn help but watch as my team mate decided it was an ample time to stab me in the back (not for the last time) and replace the cue as a means of acknowledging that the game had ended. Much to my chagrin, my team mate also tried to explain to me that i should let it go as it was the "ideal" situation. My opponent's team mate understandably stayed away from the conflict and watched the "fun" that was about to unfold.

As i had never in my life seen such gutless behaviour, i had no clue how to react. Rage getting the better of me (as it somehow always manages to do), i started screaming right from the parlour all the way back to campus "loser", "chicken" "come back and finish the game". The responses were brilliant and very apt (as always). "My ethics did not let me finish the game" and many other such well though out and brilliantly phrased statements in impeccable English. Upon reaching back, the fight continued and i ended up regressing as usual and taking it head on. As usual when the going got tough, the brilliance comes out in peculiar ways. A comment was made about my having sexual relations with my mother (which was very relevant to the fight of course). After making the statement, my illustrious opponent decided to leave as he thought he had won this as well or maybe it was just that he thought it was better to quit while winning (I believe the problem starts when my opponent tries to start thinking - clearly it is not something someone that smart needs to do on a regular basis). My team mate was confused as to where the loyalty should lie. After a lot of thinking, i am not quite sure as to the side which was picked. As usual (at least with this particular team mate), i ended up fighting alone after which i carefully withdrew myself as i realised it was neither intellectually stimulating (due to the extremely high level of responses) nor interesting (well both of them may be a lot of things, but interesting they are NOT).

I was wondering what would have happened if Pakistan (as they ended up losing) had decided to just walk away instead of playing the bowl out. Am sure such a lack of sportsmanship is impossible to come by nowadays. Everyone seems to have the courage to stand up for themselves. Well i can say i found a whole set of people who defy the norm. There has also been acceptance in this regard on numerous ocassions. At least they are comfortable with who they are (or what all they lack).

My only concern in this regard is the complete lack of sportsmanship. I decided then not to play with this opponent ever again. But that is beside the point. I mean, such behavious is the reson snooker is not taken seriously as a game. Some bad seeds end up ruining the game for everyone. If it was in my power such people would never play the game. I mean what is the point in playing if u cant even accept defeat? Such is the place of snooker in India as of today. It is not taken seriously as a game and it is seen as a pass time as people come to parlours to smoke pot (or god knows what this opponent of mine does there). It is clear that there is need for rethinking your opponents and just anyone who can hold a cue stick is not enough. A certain degree of maturity with regard to the game is expected and definitely wanted. The game could do with players with no skill but with integrity (rather than people who pretty much lack both).

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