Sunday, May 4, 2008

What happened to humour?

I think I'm turning Bihari. At least my sense of humour seems to have disappeared. I just hope my sex appeal dusn follow. The funniest jokes I have come up with lately:

Why is the law important? Because one can have just one father, but many fathers in law.

Where are you from? I am from the National Loss School.

Somebody save me. Please.

This actually reminds me of a time when I was at BASE. There was a stunningly accurate rumour about the funniest joke at NPS (National Public School - Very nerdy school, quite famous. Have their own entrance exam for +2).

Two atoms are walking down the road, when one of them turns and says to the other, "I think I just lost an electron". The other one asks, "Are you sure?"

So the first atom replies, "Yes, I'm positive".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yo buddy,that BASE joke in all probability is true.Hell,they probably even use that in their school